Draft Light Rail

A major factor in determining the placement and design of this light rail station was the fact that UNSW’s student and staff population is extremely large and unwilling to climb more stairs to access campus. Thus the road for private vehicles will be directed underground to accommodate for the crowds using the light rail, as well as avoid the need to build an above ground station.

In Neutiling’s essay, he details the potential of laziness, as we compensate for it through the application of ingenuity. An example of this is the recycling of a building and/or its materials – this is an effective way to cut costs and time but also plays an important role in preserving the environment. I have taken this concept and decided to include conscious choices that resulted ethical implications, through the plant/garden rooftop.

There are two of Tagliabue’s concepts included in this model – she creates grand buildings with natural materials where oftentimes, the structure or components are exposed and add textural dimension. Additionally, she employs fluid shapes and structures which further enhance the overall natural aesthetic of buildings.


